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Beautiful Skin

Beautiful Skin


Having beautiful skin is not an accident of birth. Having great looking parents who also selected handsome parents with great skin does help, but our genetic coding isn't the sole determining factor for healthy skin. It might seem like some girls are born with clear perfect complexions; however, most of us have to work at maximizing our assets.


Our skin is the reflection of how well we take care of ourselves. It is a natural byproduct of our diet, fresh air, and exercise. We've all met the beauty who may lack the classic good looks of airbrushed models, yet she radiates warmth, charm, and is the most beautiful women you know. Nana was right, "beauty is illusive, but attainable by daily choices."


Stunning skin is a result of discipline and dedication to a routine of care. It is the reward for doing many things right over an extended period. Beauty is living a healthy life and being consistent in many small things for thousands of mornings and countless nights. We can begin again at any time; mid-life can be your fresh start, and a mature life can see us shine. No matter the age, a do-over is always an option. The younger we start a program of sunscreens, moisturizing, and near religious cleansing, the sooner we get results. A little care along the way, and the later you will deal with aging skin."


Quality products, such as organic and natural based are clearly evident in our results. There are clearly things each woman care do, naturally, to improve and achieve sustainable results and physical health.


The first step is knowing your skin type, are you sensitive, normal to oily, or dry? Find suitable products made exclusively for your skin. Find items, which are safe, simple, with ingredients as close to nature as possible. Develop a routine for skin care, make it a priority and soon you'll never think about the means or method of proper skincare; you just enjoy the results. It is like using a sunscreen, after a while, it becomes an automatic, second-nature-response, to going into the garden.


Here are the basics of a proactive routine:


Toning Astringents


Sun protection


Concentrated Serums

Stress management



Prayer and meditation



If you are fortunate, you will grow old. There is a peaceful beauty to aging gracefully, without the use of surgery, fillers, and chemicals. Take time to value older friends and family and appreciate the small laugh lines reflected in your makeup minor. Every woman is a unique combination of mystery and beauty. Some of us just need a little more time for the discovery of what nature supplied; however, from time to time, we all could do with little, "Gilding of the Lily," as my Nana would say.