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Sensitive Skin


It is just what it sounds like, skin which is “hypersensitive and prone to adverse reactions.” The cause of hypersensitive skin can range from allergies to environmental issues and might include several skin diseases. Often there is a genetic component. “Yes, it's mom's fault."


Your diet or the lack of a proper diet can play a part in your skin issues. Additionally, a consideration of your age and any related hormonal changes to your body, such as pregnancy, menopause, and of course teenage angst can cause a change and outbreaks. All of these normal life stages affect overall health and reflect a state of health in your various skin conditions. Your skin needs balance and health to perform its many protective duties.


A skin disorder or allergic skin reaction can include diagnoses of eczema, rosacea, or allergic contact dermatitis. A sensitive person can have skin which is reactionary to over-stimulation from any number of things. This reaction can range from a simple dry batch of skin, to include, itchy irritated skin, rashes, swelling, inflammation, very painful, and hot to the touch skin tissue. This situation can be quite dangerous.


Skin conditions can evolve when skin becomes parched, or if the skin suffers an injury. An injury can cause nerve endings, which might not protect the skin, as it once did. In this same manner, excessive exposure to damaging environmental elements can create conditions which overwhelm the skin's ability to maintain its balance.


Non-sensitives experience the occasional seasonal sensitivities, where environmental changes cause an abrupt change skin in condition. Some of us get an annual case of, “Winter Skin.” Typically a minor ailment includes cracked hands which are painful to the touch. This rather simple skin complaint can become severe and painful within hours. The same thing can occur when we are neglectful in summer's direct sunlight over extended time periods. Our skin feels baked, our back blisters, and suddenly find we've overexposed sensitive skin.


Balance is the goal for Sensitive skin types. A good policy is to maintain a consistently healthy diet. Use great care in skin care regiments. Test every new product before making a commitment. Don't take anything for granted when it comes to your product use. Avoid stress on both your skin and emotional stress, as much as possible. The body feeds the mind, and the mind affects your inner spiritual life, which is a reflection of overall health.


Sensitive Tips

*Keep a journal of skin ailments, include the details of what happened, when, and where and note anything else which might alert you as the cause.


*Avoid foods, beverages, and chemicals, which are irritating to any allergies from which you might suffer.


*Have you been tested for a possible gluten allergy/sensitivity?


*Sensitives tend to hyper-react to topical agents, so take the greatest of care when changing your soap, detergents, shampoos, and all other topical products.


*Avoid traditional soap

*Use soap-free cleansers.

*Avoid Deodorant soaps

*Avoid alcohol based cleansers, such as hand sanitizing lotions.


*Avoid the use of harsh household cleaners.

*Wear gloves to clean when possible


*Avoid colorants in lotions, cleansers, and creams

*Use simple products with the fewest number of active ingredients

*Products containing man-made chemicals can cause problems

*Products containing multiple compounds can lead to potential complications. Remember, organic ingredients are chemicals, too. However, unless you have a known allergy to a plant based ingredient, you are better served if going natural rather than industrial.


*Wearing a sunscreen year-round is a good idea for all skin types, but critical for those with sensitive skin.

*Avoid tanning salons and tanning in general.

*Always keep moisture products at the ready.


*Avoid extremes in water temperatures when bathing.

*Avoid extremes when heating and cooling your home.

*Keep a balance and moderation in all areas.


*Avoid petroleum based products

*Avoid fragrance in skin care products.



Product Recommendations:

Gentle Cleanser

Melissa Rose Toner if tested first and well tolerated

Queen of Hungary Waters if well tolerated

Micellar H2O Makeup Remover



Soothing Calendula Rose Cream

Calendula Rose Cream - best tolerated by Sensitives

Lavender Day-Time Cream



Perfect Lotion, Unscented

Summer Sunflower Lotion - Test first,

Simple Day-Time Unscented Lotion with Zinc Oxide


Beautiful Body Oils:

Balm of Gilead Oil

Soothing Calendula Rose Oil for Babies and Mommies

Stimulating Rosemary Oil

Saint John's Worts Compound Oil

Deepease Arnica Oil